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  1. Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2021.

  2. Editors-in-Chief, Multiscale Engineering and Science (Springer Nature), 2019 – now.

  3. Editors-in-Chief, Coupled System Mechanics, An International Journal (Techno Press), 2017 – now.

  4. Editors-in-Chief, Multiscale and Multiphysics Mechanics, An International Journal (Techno Press), 2015 – 2017.

  5. Editors-in-Chief, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, An International Journal (Techno Press), 2011 – 2015.

  6. Associate Editor, Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, An International Journal (Techno Press), 2008 – 2010.

  7. IACM (International Association for Computational Mechanics) Fellow Award, 2012 (國際計算力學學會會士).

  8. Asian-Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics (APACM) Computational Mechanics Award, 2019.

  9. ICACM (International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics) Computational Mechanics Award, 2011.

  10. Distinguished Young Investigator Award, National Science Council, 2011-2014 (國科會優秀年輕學者計畫).

  11. Distinguished Service Award, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2015.

  12. Distinguished Young Scholar, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2011.

  13. FutureTech Breakthrough Award Nomination, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2021 (科技部 2021 未來科技突破獎入圍).

  14. FutureTech Breakthrough Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2019 (科技部2019 未來科技突破獎).

  15. Life-Long Distinguished Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2015 – now. (終身教學傑出獎)

  16. Distinguished Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2015 (教學傑出獎, 1% from Engineering College, National Taiwan University).

  17. Distinguished Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2010 (教學傑出獎, 1% from Engineering College, National Taiwan University).

  18. Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2022 (教學優良獎).

  19. Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2020 (教學優良獎).

  20. Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2009 (教學優良獎).

  21. Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2008 (教學優良獎).

  22. Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2006 (教學優良獎).

  23. Teaching Award, National Taiwan University, 2004 (教學優良獎).

  24. Outstanding Service Award, Chinese Society of Structural Engineering, Taiwan, 2003.

  25. ​工程技術研究發展司110年度產學合作計畫線上成果發表暨績效考評會,產學成果簡報組優良獎


Student’s Awards (Advisor)

  1. Dissertation Supervisor Award, Engineering College, National Taiwan University, 2023.

  2. Undergraduate Student Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2022 (advisor).

  3. First Place, Keelung Hackathon, Big Data Spatial Strategies for Capital Region Visions, 2022 (Sinotech advisor).

  4. First Place, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2021 (advisor).

  5. Undergraduate Student Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2021 (advisor).

  6. Dissertation Supervisor Award, Engineering College, National Taiwan University, 2020.

  7. International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) Scholarships for WCCM XIV-ECCOMAS 2020 (The joint 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMASCongress) (advisor)

  8. Third Place, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2019 (advisor).

  9. Finalist, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2016 (advisor).

  10. Finalist, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2015 (advisor).

  11. Best Ph.D. Thesis Award, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2014 (advisor).

  12. Second Place, Best Student Poster, National Center for High-Performance Computing, 2011 (advisor).

  13. Best Poster Award, 18th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Taiwan, 2011 (advisor).

  14. Second Place, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2011 (advisor).

  15. Finalist, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2010 (advisor).

  16. Third Place, Best Student Paper, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2009 (advisor).

  17. Third Place, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Taiwan, 2008 (supervisor).

  18. Undergraduate Student Research Award, National Science Council, 2005 (advisor).

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