If you would like to read my articles but do not have the access, please contact me (
J-C Song, I-Y Hsieh#, C-S Chen# (2023),“Sparse trip demand prediction for shared e-scooter using spatio-temporal graph neural networks,”Transportation Research Part D (accepted). [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
Y-H Chiang, B-Y Tseng, J-P Wang, Y-W Chen, C-C Tung, C-H Yu#, P-Y Chen, C-S Chen# (2023),“Generating three-dimensional bioinspired microstructures using transformer-based generative adversarial network, ”Journal of Materials Research and Technology (accepted). [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
A. Noorizadegan, D.L. Young#, C-S Chen# ( 2023),“Space-time method for analyzing transient heat conduction in functionally graded materials,” Numerical HeatTransfer, Part B:Fundamentals (accepted). [SCI] [Taylor&Francis]
T-H Su, JG Jean, C-S Chen# (2023),“Model-free data-driven identification algorithm enhanced by local manifold learning,” Computational Mechanics, 71, 637-655. [SCI] [ResearchGate]
C.S. Chen, A. Noorizadegan, D.L. Young#,C-S Chen# (2023),“On the determination of locating the source points of the MFS using effective condition number,”Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 423, 114955. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen#, A. Noorizadegan, D.L. Young#, C-S Chen (2023),“On the selection of a better radial basis function and its shape parameter in interpolation problems,”Applied Mathematics and Computation, 442, 127713. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
A. Noorizadegan, R. Schaback, C-S Chen (2023), Practical evaluation condition assessment for meshless kernel-based methods, 21st International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Crete, Greece, September 11-17.
A. Noorizadegan, C-S Chen, R. Cavoretto, A. De Rossi(2023), Boosting stability and performance in randomized SVD, 21st International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Crete, Greece, September 11-17.
T-H Su, S-J Huang, JG Jean, C-S Chen# (2022),“Multiscale computational solid mechanics: data and machine learning,” Journal of Mechanics, accepted. [SCI] Invited Paper. [OxfordAcademic]
C.S. Chen, A. Noorizadegan, D.L. Young, C-S Chen (2022), “On the determination of locating the source points of the MFS using effective condition number,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, accepted. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen, A. Noorizadegan, D.L. Young, C-S Chen (2022), “On the selection of a better radial basis function and its shape parameter in interpolation problems,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, accepted. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
C-H Yu, B-Y Tseng, Z Yang, C-C Tung, E Zhao, Z-F Ren, S-S Yu, P-Y Chen, C-S Chen, M J Buehler (2022), “Hierarchical Multiresolution Design of Bioinspired Structural Composites Using Progressive Reinforcement Learning,” Advanced Theory and Simulations, 5(11), 2200459. [SCI] [Wiley]
C-H Yu, J-S Chen, Y-C Hsu, C-S Chen (2022) “De novo multiscale method for nonequilibrium molecular dynamics,” Computational Materials Science, 213, 111636. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
L-H Kuo, J Uvah, C-S Chen (2022) “Residual-Error Cross-Validation method for selecting a suitable shape parameter for RBF interpolation,” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 143, 331-339. [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen, A. Naji, Y. Cao, C-S Chen (2022) “Space–time localized polynomial basis functions for solving parabolic and hyperbolic equations,” International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 99(9), 1770-1784. [SCI] [Taylor&Francis]
A. Noorizadegan, C-S Chen, D.L. Young, C-S Chen (2022) “Effective condition number on the selection of the shape parameter of RBFs with fictitious point method,” Applied Numerical Mathematics, 178, 280-295. [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen (2022), Deep materials modeling and design, World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-APCOM 2022),July 31-August 5, Yokohama, Japan (Semi-plenary Talk).
A. Noorizadegan, D.L. Young, C-S Chen (2022) “A novel local radial basis function collocation method for multi-dimensional piezoelectric problems,” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 33(12), 1574-1587. [SCI] [Sage]
周遠同、黎光曜、郭柏志、張慰慈、黃尹男、陳俊杉(2022) 圖神經網路於線性靜力分析之應用,結構工程,第37卷第4期,第27-40頁。[Airiti]
紀乃文、莊仕杰、陳翊翔、陳鵬元、陳俊杉(2022) 應用影像語意分割技術於鋼筋間距查驗,土木水利,第49卷第1期,第27-31頁。[CICHE]
K-T Chen, T-J Wei, G-C Li, M-Y Chen, Y-S Chen, S-W Chang, H-W Yen, C-S Chen# (2021) “Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys: a molecular dynamics study,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, 271, 124912. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
S-R Lin, D.L. Young, C-S Chen# (2021) “Ghost-point based radial basis function collocation methods with variable shape parameters,” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 130, 40-48. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
T-H Su, N-H Lu, C-H Chen#, C-S Chen# (2021) “On the decrease of transformation stress in a bicrystal Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloy during cyclic compressive deformation,” Materials, 14, 4439. [SCI] [ResearchGate]
Y-T Lin, Y-K Chen, K-H Yang, C-S Chen, J-Y Han# (2021) “Integrating InSAR observables and multiple geological factors for landslide susceptibility assessment,” Applied Sciences, 11, 7289. [SCI] [ResearchGate]
D.L. Young, S-R Lin, C-S Chen, C. S. Chen# (2021) “Two-step MPS-MFS ghost point method for solving partial differential equations,” Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 94, 38-46. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
Y Chiang, C-C Tung, X-D Lin, P-Y Chen, C-S Chen, S-W Chang# (2021) “Geometrically toughening mechanism of cellular composites inspired by Fibonacci lattice in Liquidambar formosana,” Composite Structures, 262, 113349. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
C-H Hsueh, S. Schmauder, C-S Chen, K. K. Chawla, N. Chawla, W. Chen, Y. Kagawa (2019), Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, Springer Nature, Singapore (ISBN 978-981-10-6855-3,152,470 chapter download, 2021.11.12). [SpringerLink]
C-J Lin, J-P Wang, C-H Yu, C-S Chen (2021),“Strength and Toughness Optimization of Nacre-inspired Design using Reinforcement Learning,” 第45屆全國力學會議,台北、台灣。(virtual)
Y-H Chiang, J-P Wang, C-C Tung, C-H Huang, C-H Yu, P-Y Chen, C-S Chen (2021), “Generating Three-Dimensional Bioinspired Microstructures with Deep Neural Networks,”第45屆全國力學會議,台北、台灣。(virtual) [ScienceDirect]
T-Y Chien, Y-L Cheng, H-W Yen, C-S Chen (2021),“Microstructure-based crystal plasticity study on precipitation hardening behavior of aluminum alloys,”第45屆全國力學會議,台北、台灣。(virtual)
Y-W Chen, C-H Yu, C-S Chen (2021),“仿生材料設計:應用微結構於耐衝擊產品”第45屆全國力學會議,台北、台灣。(virtual)
T-Y Chien, Y-L Cheng, H-W Yen, C-S Chen (2021),“Microstructure-based crystal plasticity study on precipitation hardening behavior of aluminum alloys,” 2021MRS-T InternationalConference (2021 MRSTIC),November 13-17, Taipei, Taiwan. (invited talk, virtual)
J-P Wang, C-C Tung, C-H Yu, P-Y Chen, C-S Chen (2021),“Machine learning for bioinspired structural materials,” 2021 MRS-T International Conference (2021MRSTIC),November 13-17, Taipei, Taiwan. (invited talk, virtual)
J-G Jean, T-H Su, C-S Chen (2021),“Local-convexity data-driven identification for materials data, ”Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (MMLDT-CSET 2021),September 26-29, San Diego, CA, USA. (hybrid)
T-Y Chien, Y-L Cheng, H-W Yen, C-S Chen (2021),“A dislocation density enhanced crystal plasticity finite element model for precipitation hardening behavior of aluminum alloys,”Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering &Technology (MMLDT-CSET 2021),September 26-29, San Diego, CA, USA. (hybrid)
C-S Chen, J-P Wang, C-H Huang, C-H Yu, P-Y Chen (2021),“Machine learning for bio-inspired structural materials, ”Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (MMLDT-CSET 2021),September 26-29, San Diego, CA,USA. (hybrid)
T-H Su, J-G Jean, C-S Chen (2021),“High-quality Material Data Acquisition for Data-driven Computing using Manifold Learning-based Data-driven Identification Approach, ”16th U.S.National Congress on Computational Mechanics,July 25-29, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (hybrid)
陳翊翔、莊仕杰、張鈞程、羅昱恆、黃琮煒、邱永全、林冠成、黃志民、周頌安、陳俊杉(2021) 以深度學習與數位孿生打造工地鋼筋查驗新法,土木水利,第48卷第2期,第15-21頁。 [CICHE]
林彥廷、顏筱穎、張乃軒、林宏明、韓仁毓、楊國鑫、陳俊杉、鄭宏逵、徐若堯 (2021)。結合時空因子與 InSAR 觀測資料之地表崩塌變位預測分析。中國土木水利工程學刊,第 33 卷第 2 期,95-106。[AiritiLibrary]
蘇東垣、陳俊杉 (2021)。以數據驅動無組成律模型的計算力學及其應用。中華民國力學學會,學生論文競賽固力材料組(含設計與製造)第一名。[pdfLink]
T. H. Su, N. H. Lu, C. H. Chen#, C-S Chen# (2020),“Full-field Stress and Strain Measurements Revealing Energy Dissipation Characteristics in Martensitic Band of CuAlMn Shape Memory Alloy,”Materials Today Communications, 24, 101321. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
N-W Chi, J-P Wang, J-H Liao, W-C Cheng, C-S Chen# (2020),“Machine Learning Based Seismic Capability Evaluation for School Buildings,” Automation in Construction, 118, 103274. [SCI] [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen (2020), “Machine learning for bio-inspired structural materials,” 第44屆全國力學會議,宜蘭、臺灣。
J-G Jean, T-H Su, C-S Chen (2020),“Stress characterization and composite material identification from digital image correlation,” 第44屆全國力學會議,宜蘭、臺灣。
Y-C Hsu, C-H Yu, C-S Chen (2020),“Ade novo Multiscale Method for Nonequilibrium Atomistic Simulation on Silicon Nanowires,” 第44屆全國力學會議,宜蘭、臺灣。
J-P Wang, C-S Chen (2020),“A methodology to synthesize microstructure of tailored mechanical properties based on generative adversarial network,”第44屆全國力學會議,宜蘭、臺灣。
T-H Huang, T-H Huang, Y-S Lin, C-H Chang, S-W Chang, C-S Chen# (2019) “A Time Integration Method for Phase‐Field Modeling,”Multiscale Science and Engineering, 1(1), 56-69. [Springer]
C-S Chen (2019),“Working model of microstructural evolution by bio-inspired processing,” Landscape, NTU Research and Development, 6, 53. [NTULibrary]
C-H Hsueh, S. Schmauder, C-S Chen, K. K. Chawla,N. Chawla, W. Chen, Y. Kagawa (2019), Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, Springer Nature, Singapore(ISBN 978-981-10-6855-3, 152,470 chapter download, 2021.11.12). [SpringerLink]
C-H Yu, K-P Lin, and C-S Chen# (2019), “Nanoindentation and Indentation Size Effects: Continuum Model and Atomistic Simulation,”Chapter inHandbook of Mechanics of Materials, Ed. by C-H Hsueh, S. Schmauder, C-S Chen, K. K. Chawla, N. Chawla, W. Chen, Y. Kagawa,Springer Nature, Singapore. [SpringerLink]v
C-H Yu#, C-W Huang, C-S Chen, C-H Hsueh (2019),“Micromechanics Modeling of CreepFracture of High-Temperature Ceramics,”Chapter in Handbook of Mechanics of Materials, C-H Hsueh, S. Schmauder, C-S Chen, K. K. Chawla, N. Chawla, W. Chen, Y. Kagawa, Springer Nature, Singapore. [ResearchGate]
C-S Chen, T-H Su (2019),“Data-Driven Computational Mechanics with Stress and Strain Data from Digital Image Correlation,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan. [Aitiri]
K-T Chen, M-Y Chen, Y-H Chen, S-W Chang, H-W Yen, C-S Chen (2019),“Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of High-Entropy Alloys,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
S-R Lin, C-H Yu, C-S Chen (2019),“Isogeometric Analysis of Phase Field Method in Freeze-casting,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019),December 18-21, Taipei,Taiwan.
Y-C Hsu, S-L Tsai, C-S Chen (2019),“Generative Adversarial Networks for Material Design of Bio-Inspired Microstructure,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
S-L Tsai, Y-C Hsu, P-Y Chen, S-W Chang, C-S Chen (2019),“Discover High ToughnessMicrostructures of Bio-Inspired Materials using Machine Learning Techniques,”Asian PacificCongress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
P-H Hsieh, P-C Chen, C-S Chen (2019),“Acceleration Tracking Control with Deep Learning on Seismic Simulator,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
H-C Wu, Y-L Cheng, H-W Yen, C-S Chen (2019),“A Crystal Plasticity Study on the Effect of Precipitation and Warm Forming of 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
X-D Lin, Y-Y Tsai, Y Chiang, C-C Tung, Y Jiang, P-Y Chen, C-S Chen, S-W Chang,“Lightweight composite materials with bio-inspired morphologies,”Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM 2019),December 18-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
C-S Chen, S-L Tsai, Y-C Hsu, S-W Chang, P-Y Chen (2019).“Machine Learning for Bioinspired Structural Materials.”16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction (EASEC16),December 3-6, Brisbane, Australia.
Y-C Hsu, S-LTsai, J-P Wang, P-Y Chen, S-W Chang, C-S Chen (2019).“Generative AdversarialNetworks for Material Design of Bio-Inspired Microstructure.”56th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES2019),October 13-15, 2019, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.
S-L Tsai, Y-C Hsu, P-Y Chen, S-W Chang, C-S Chen (2019).“Discover High Toughness Microstructures of Bio-Inspired Materials using Machine Learning Techniques.”56th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES2019),October 13-15, 2019, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.
- N-W Chi, J-P Wang, J-H Liao, W-C Cheng, C-S Chen (2019).“A Real Time Seismic Capability Evaluation of School Building Using Imbalanced Learning.”International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan,September 15-19.
- Y-H Chen, S-S Chang, S-W Chang, C-M Chang, Y-B Lin, K-C Chang, C-S Chen (2019)“Monitoring Bridge Scour Using Machine Learning.”International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan,September 15-19.
- C-S Chen, S-W Chang, Y-C Hsu, S-L Tsai (2019).“Modeling and Design of Bioinspired Structural Materials.”The 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019),June 23-28, Singapore (invited talk).
- C-S Chen (2019). “Modeling and Design of Bioinspired Structural Materials.”Meshfree Method and Advances in Computational Mechanics, In Celebration of Professor J.S. Chen’s 60th Birthday,March 10-12, Pleasanton, CA, USA (invited talk).
吳泓錡、鄭翊良、顏鴻威、陳俊杉(2019). “以晶體塑性模型探討鋁合金析出物與溫成形之影響,”第43屆全國力學會議,台中、台灣。(6頁,學生論文第三名)
陳俊杉(2019). “人工智慧在土木工程應用的挑戰與契機,”電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會,台北、台灣。(opening plenary talk)
T-H Huang, T-H Huang, Y-S Lin, C-H Chang, P-Y Chen, S-W Chang#, C-S Chen# (2018) “Phase-Field Modeling of Microstructural Evolution by Freeze-Casting,” Advanced Engineering Materials, 20(3), 1870007. [SCI]. Acknowledgement of Very Important Paper, Cover Image, 榮登期刊封面。 [WileyLibrary]
T-H Huang, C-S Chen#, S-W Chang# (2018),“Microcrack Patterns Control the Mechanical Strength in the Biocomposites,” Materials and Design, 140, 505–515. [SCI]. [ScienceDirect]
C-H Wu, M-K Sun, J. Shieh, C-S Chen, C-W Huang, C-A Dai, S-W Chang, T-H Young# (2018).“Ultrasound-responsive NIPAM-based hydrogels with tunable profile of controlled release of large molecules,” Ultrasonics, 83, 157-163 [SCI]. [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen, H Lee, S-W Chang (2018).“Bioinspired Structural Materials: Modeling, Design and AI.”The Second International Conference on Mechanics (ICM 2018) in conjunction with the 4th ACMT, the 12th ACFD, and the 25th NCFD,October 15-18, YiLan, Taiwan.(invited talk)
C-S Chen, S-W Chang, H Lee (2018).“Bioinspired Structural Materials: Modeling, Design and Machine Learning.”The 2018 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, &Materials Research (ACEM18),August 28-31, Incheon, Korea. (semi-plenary talk)
C-S Chen, C-H Yu, Y-C Hsu(2018).“Multiscale Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Applications,”13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XIII),July 24-29, New York, USA.
C-S Chen (2018).“Bioinspired Structural Materials: Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing.”RISUD Annual International Symposium 2018–Inter-disciplinary Research for Societal Impact,June 29-30, Hong Kong. (invited talk)
C-S Chen, S-W Chang, Y-S Lin (2018).“Phase Field Method for Freeze Casting of Bio-inspiredMaterials.” 18th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM),June 5-9, Chicago, USA.
C-S Chen (2018). “MGI: Materials Greet AI”, 材料基因工程(Materials Genome Initiative,MGI)論壇,107年中國材料科學學會年會暨五十週年慶,臺中,臺灣. (invited forum talk)
許育銓、游濟華、陳俊杉(2018). “連結分子動力學與聲子場的波傳多尺度介面,”第42屆全國力學會議,台北、台灣。(6頁,學生論文競賽入圍)

Phase-Field Modeling of Microstructural Evolution by Freeze-Casting, Cover Paper
C-S Lee, Y-Y Chen, C-H Yu, Y-C Hsu, C-S Chen# (2017), “Semi-analytical solution for the generalized absorbing boundary condition in molecular dynamics simulations,” Computational Mechanics, 60, 23-37. [SCI]. [Springer]
C-C Lin, Y-C Shih, C-S Chen# (2017), “Adsorption-induced surface stress on a c(4×2) adatom surface by an alkanethiol,” Materials Research Express, 4, 015020 [SCI]. [pdfLink]
J-F Wu, C-W Yang, N-T Tsou#, C-S Chen# (2017), “Identification of crystal variants in shape-memory alloys using molecular dynamics simulations,” Coupled Systems Mechanics, 6(1), 41-54. [KoreaScience]
C-S Chen, H Lee, S-W Chang, Y-S Lin (2017). “Bioinspired Structural Materials: Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing.”IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA) 2017, November 5-9, Taipei, Taiwan. (invited talk) [ASEM]
C-S Chen, H Lee, S-W Chang, Y-S Lin (2017). “Bioinspired Structural Materials: VirtualProcessing and Virtual Testing.” 2017 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17), August 28-Sepember 1, Seoul, Korea, 9 pages.(semi-plenary talk) [ASEM]
C-S Chen(2017). “Dynamic Multiscale Method and Applications,”14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July, Montreal, Canada.
W. L Lo, N. J. Wu, C. S. Chen, T. K. Tsay, Exact Boundary Derivative Formulation for Numerical Conformal Mapping Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016 (2016), 5072309. [Hindawi]
M. K. Sun, J. Shieh, C. S. Chen, H. Chiang, C. W. Huang, W. S. Chen, Effects of an implant on temperature distribution in tissue during ultrasound diathermy. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 32 (2016), 44-53. [ScienceDirect]
S. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chen, F. L. Yang, C. S. Chen, S. H. Hsieh, A parallel VOF IB pressure-correction method for simulation of multiphase flows, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 40(3) (2016), 1800-1815. [ScienceDirect]
C-S Chen#, Y-C Shih, C-C Chou, S-W Chang, C. Liou (2016),“Multiscale modeling of nano-biosensors,” Chapter 14 in Multiscale Materials Modeling, Approaches to Full Multiscaling, Schmauder, Siegfried and Schäfer, Immanuel, De Gruyter, Germany. [ASEM]
C-S Chen, C-S Lee, Y-Y Chen, C-H Yu, Y-C Hsu(2016). “Dynamic Multiscale Method and Applications,”第40屆全國力學會議,新竹、台灣。(invited forum talk)
C-W Huang, C-H Yu, S-W Chang, C-S Chen (2016). “Rolling Resistance of Adhesive Nanoparticle: Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Continuum Model,”第40屆全國力學會議,新竹、台灣。(10頁,學生論文競賽入圍)
T-H Huang, H Li, T-H Huang, C-S Chen (2016). “Phase-Field Modeling for Microstructural Evolution of Bioinspired Materials by Freeze-Casting,”第40屆全國力學會議,新竹、台灣。(10頁) [Wiley]
Y-C Hsu, C-S Chen, C-S Lee, Y-Y Chen, C-H Yu (2016), “Two Way Implicit Dynamic Multiscale Method for Phonon Propagation in Molecular Dynamic Simulations,” Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (ACMT 2016), Oct. 20-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
Y-H Lee, S-R Lin, F-L Yang, C-S Chen (2016), “Influence of boundary effect on quicksand modeling,”Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (ACMT 2016), Oct. 20-21,Taipei, Taiwan.
Y-H Chen, S-W Chang, C-S Chen (2016), “Full atomic simulation of the parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein type 1 receptor ligand binding,”Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (ACMT 2016), Oct. 20-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
S-R Lin, C-S Chen, F-L Yang, S-H Hsieh (2016), “Direct Numerical Simulation of Immersed Particle-particle Collisions within a Fluid Cell,”Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (ACMT 2016), Oct. 20-21,Taipei, Taiwan.
M-Y Chen, S-W Chang, C-S Chen (2016), “Influence of Porous Microstructure on Acoustic Absorption,”Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (ACMT 2016), Oct. 20-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
C-H Yu, K-P Lin, C-S Chen (2016), “Atomistic Study and Theoretical Model for Nanoindentation Size Effects,”Second Computational Mechanics Conference in Taiwan (ACMT2016), Oct. 20-21, Taipei, Taiwan.
C-S Chen (2016). “Bio-inspired materials modeling.”International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM), October 16-20, Hangzhou, China. (plenary talk)
C-S Chen, C-S Lee, Y-Y Chen, C-H Yu, Y-C Hsu (2016). “When waves do not spuriously reflect:dynamic multiscale method and applications.”12th World Congress on ComputationalMechanics (WCCM XII), Seoul, July 24-29, South Korea. (plenary talk, WCCM is the largest congress on computational mechanics and I was the first plenary speaker from Taiwan since its debut in 1986.)
T-H Huang, T-H Huang, C-S Chen (2016). “FFT-based method for characterization and analysis of microstructures and mechanical properties from freeze-casting process.”12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Seoul, July 24-29, South Korea.
T-H Huang, T-H Huang, C-S Chen (2016). “Phase-field modeling for dendritic solidification infreeze-casting process.”12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Seoul, July 24-29, South Korea.
C-H Yu, K-P Lin, C-S Chen (2016). “Atomistic study and theoretical model for nanoidentationsize effects.”12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Seoul, July 24-29, South Korea.
S-R Lin, J-F Lin, F. Yang, S-H Hsieh, C-S Chen (2016). “Image-based fluid-solid interaction analysis.”12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Seoul, July 24-29,South Korea.
Y-H Lee, S-R Lin, C-S Chen (2016). “Fluid-solid interaction simulation of liquefaction of granular solid particles in viscous fluid.”12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII), Seoul, July 24-29, South Korea.
W. L. Lo, F. L. Yang, C. S. Chen, S. H. Hsieh, Studying the Weak Effect of particle friction on the velocity profile of steady granular flows in a rotating drum, Granular Matter, 17 (2015), 717–726. [Springer]
C. W. Huang, M. K. Sun, B. T. Chen, J. Shieh, C. S. Chen, W. S. Chen, Simulation of thermal ablation by high-intensity focused ultrasound with temperature-dependent properties, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 27 (2015), 456-465. [ScienceDirect]
N. T. Tsou, C. H. Chen, C. S. Chen, S. K. Wu , Classification and analysis of trigonal martensite laminate twins in shape memory alloy, Acta Materialia, 89 (2015), 193–204. [ScienceDirect]
M. K. Sun, J. Shieh, C. W. Lo, C. S. Chen, B. T. Chen, C. W. Huang, W. S. Chen, Reusable tissue-mimicking hydrogel phantoms for focused ultrasound ablation, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 23 (2015), 399-405. [ScienceDirect]
S. Y. Lin, J. F. Lin, Y. H. Chin, J. J. Hu, F. L. Yang, C. S. Chen, S. H. Hsieh, A unified wall-boundary condition for the lattice Boltzmann method and its application to force evaluation, Journal of Mechanics, 31 (2015), 55-68. [CambridgeCore]
C. H. Yu, M. W. Bird, C. W. Huang, C. S. Chen, Y. F. Gao, K. W. White, C. H. Hsueh, Micromechanics modeling of creep fracture of zirconium diboride-silicon carbide composites at 1400 to 1700 ºC, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 34 (2014), 4145-4155. [ScienceDirect]
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