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Alumni & Partner


Shu-Wei Chang

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University


Chia-Ching Chou

Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Mechanics,

National Taiwan University


Chi-Hua Yu

Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University

Microscale Fracture Mechanics and Damage Model.Analytical Modeling for Multilayered PCB Plate.Multiscale Modeling of 3D IC Micro-bump.Atomistic Study on Nano-indentation and Nano-tribology.


Wei-Tze Chang

Associate Researcher, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering


Dr. Tsung-Hui Huang

​Assistant Professor, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University

Phase-field Modeling.

Time Integration Algorithms.Computational Structural and Multibody Dynamics.

Differential Algebraic System.

Postdoctoral Scholars & Senior Researchers

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Amir Noorizadegan

1. Machine Learning Applications in Engineering

2. Physics-Informed Neural Network

3. Computer Graphics

4. Meshless Methods

Research Assistants

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Tsung-Wei Huang

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision

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Yu-Hsuan Chiang

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

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Chun-Yun Chou

Satellite Geodesy, Error Theory, Photogrammetry

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Yi-Hsiang Chen

Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing

Ph. D. Students

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Jia-Cherng Song

Deep Learning on Graphs, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Application, Computation in architectural design

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Guo-Chi Li

materials science and engineering, metal, high-entropy alloys.


Ting-Ju Wei

1. Molecular simulation

2. Computational Homogenization 

Master Students

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Chin-Yu Lin

Machine Learning, Molecular Dynamics

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Yuan-Tung Chou

Artificial Intelligence, Structural Analysis

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Chi-Wei Chen

Computational Mechanics / Molecular Dynamics

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Chen-Shan Chiu

Finite Element Analysis simulation


Cheng-Yen Chan

Computer Vision

Machine/Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence

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Krittachai Lapevisuthisaroj

Computer Vision

Machine Learning

Point cloud processing

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Wen-Ning Wan

Computational Solid MechanicsLearning

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Wei-Che Chang

Polymer Physics, Molecular Dynamics, Machine Learning

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Yi-Syuan Chen

Natural Language Processing

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Chun-Sheng Lee

Computer Vision

UAV system

Machine/Deep Learning



Dr. Nien-Ti Tsou

Microstructure Modeling in Smart Materials.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Nanomaterial Dispersion.
Finite Element Analysis for Biomimetic Implants and Piezoelectric Devices.
Graduated with M.S. in 2006.

Dr. Jeng-Feng Lin

Two-phase Flow.

Computational Fluid Dynamics.


Dr. Yu-Ching Shih

First Principles Surface Stress Calculations and Multiscale Deformation Analysis of Self-assembled Monolayers Adsorbed on Microcantilever.
Graduated with Ph.D. in 2013.


Yu-Chuan Hsu (M.S.)

Computational Mechanics.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

Multiscale Modelling.

Artificial Intelligence.


Yan-Yu Chen (Ph.D.)


Multiscale simulation.


Shin-Ruei Lin (Ph.D.)

Two-phase Flow.

Computational Fluid Dynamics.


Chung-Shuo Lee (M.S.)

Absorbing Boundary Condition in Molecular Dynamics.


Yin Chang (M.S.)


Microcantilever by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.


Tung Huan (Michael) Su (Ph.D.)

1. Mechanistic Machine Learning

2. Multiscale Materials Modeling

3. Computational Mechanics

4. Computational Fluid Dynamics


Crystal Liou (M.S.)


Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanomaterial Dispersion. Graduated with M.S. in 2013.


Chih-Chuen (Ian) Lin (M.S.)

First-principles Calculations on Fracture Toughness Prediction.
Graduated with M.S. in 2015.


Kuan-Po (Ryan) Lin (M.S.)

Nanomechanics Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Graduated with M.S. in 2015.


Jo-Fan Wu (M.S.)


Martensite Variant Identification in Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloy with Molecular Dynamics Simulation.


Tzu-Hsuan (Michael) Huang (M.S.)

Phase-field Modelling.Molecular Dynamics Simulation.


Ching-Yu Fan (M.S.)

Optical Microcantilever-based Sensing.


Yang-Ting Wei (M.S.)

Analysis of Behavior Patterns.

Chun-Wei (Jeremy) Huang (M.S.)

Contact Mechanics.


Yu-Chia Liao (M.S.)

Microcantilever by Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

Hung-Chi Wu (M.S.)


Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method

Te-Yuan Chen (M.S.)

Virtual Reality.

Human Computer Interaction.

Smart Home for Elderly.

Yi-Liang (Leo) Cheng (M.S.)

Computational Mechanics.

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method (CPFEM).

Deformation Mechanisms in High Entropy Alloy.

Kuan-Ting Chen (M.S.)

Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

Deformation Mechanisms in High Entropy Alloy.

Sung-Lin Tsai (M.S.)

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Application.


Jyun-Ping Wang (M.S.)

Interest: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Network.


Shih-Jie Chuang (M.S.)

3D Printing Risk Assessment

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Hong-Jhou Cian (M.S.)

Nanotribology, Molecular Dynamics Simulation.

Graduated with M.S. in 2014.

Po-Hui Hsieh

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Application.


Nick Jheng (Profile)


Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Web Development

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Kyle Chien

Multiscale simulation, Artificial Intelligence

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Yu-Heng Lo

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Application

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Chun-Cheng Chang

Computer Vision and Machine Learning Application in Engineering

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Harry Huang

Computer Vision, Machine/Deep Learning

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Jimmy Gaspard Jean

Data-driven Computational Mechanics, Machine Learning. My area of focus is data-driven computational mechanics. In my research, I leverage techniques such as the finite element method (FEM), constrained optimization and deep learning to solve challenging problems in solid mechanics (e.g., data-driven computation, multiscale homogenization).

Mailing address: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617, Taiwan

Office: Rm 609 Civil Engineering Research Building No.188, Sec. 3, Sinhai Rd., Da-an District, Taipei 10668, Taiwan
TEL: 886-2-3366-4275
FAX: 886-2-2363-1558

郵寄住址:台北市10617羅斯福路四段一號 國立台灣大學土木工程學系
辦公室住址:台北市10668辛亥路三段188號 609室 (map, Google map)


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